Subcontractor's Portal (Workspace)

Clicking on the ITB’s “View Project Files” button or plan room link, will link the subcontractor directly to your plan room where they can access the project’s files – plans, specifications, and addenda. If you inserted a Non-Disclosure Agreement, the subcontractor will have to click the “Accept” button before getting access to your plan room.

Once inside your plan room, the subcontractor can easily search, view and download the files. If your subcontractor has downloaded Vu360 – The Blue Book’s free viewer, mark-up, and take-off tool – they can produce the measurements and quantities needed to prepare their bid. You can instruct your subcontractors to contact The Blue Book so we can get them set-up and trained to use Vu360.

If your subcontractor has any questions, concerns, or would like to propose an alternative product, they can communicate with you from their “Activity Stream”.

ONETEAM’s “Activity Stream” provides private, secure portal-to-portal communication and collaboration between you and your invited subcontractors and suppliers. It was not only designed to help both of you organize and centralize the project’s communication but to also eliminate the challenges of email – spam folders, full inboxes, and deleted messages. With ONETEAM’s “Activity Stream”, every message gets delivered and no messages can get deleted. These messages are also saved indefinitely after you archive the project.

From the “Activity Stream”, your subcontractor can enter their message and attach files for your review. For example, they can upload a marked-up drawing with a question or the specifications for a proposed product.

After your subcontractor has reviewed the plans and specs and had their questions answered, they can update their status from “Reviewing” to either “Bidding” or “Not Bidding”. They can include a note with their updated status that is delivered to your “Activity Stream” and added to the “Project Reports”.

When your subcontractor is ready to submit their bid, they can click on the “Submit Bid” tab inside their portal.

The “Bid Submittal” screen enables your subcontractor to enter their base bid and upload their complete bid proposal along with a note.

If your subcontractor is not sure how to create a complete bid proposal, they can download ONETEAM’s bid proposal template. This template was developed using feedback from General Contractors and subcontractors on what information is needed to prepare a comprehensive and usable bid.

Upon clicking the “Send” button, your subcontractor’s bid proposal will be emailed to you; posted on your “Activity Stream”; and dropped into your plan room’s “Miscellaneous Project Documents Folder”. The subcontractor’s status will automatically change to “Bid Received” so you can track that status under “Project Reports”.