Send "Invitations to Bid" and Other Message Types

The “Message Wizard” enables you to select a message type:

  • Invitation to Bid

  • Notice of Addenda

  • Bid Date Extension

  • Reminder to Bid

  • And General Memo

If needed, you can include additional project information or personal notes that you did not add to the "Project Description". You can utilize the editor to highlight specific information.

Before sending your messages, you can review your “Invitation to Bid” or any message type by clicking on the “Preview” button.

For subsequent messaging of “Notices of Addenda”, “Bid Date Extension”, and “Reminders to Bid”, you can apply filters to only message subcontractors that have responded to your bid invitation. Just click on “Vendor Status Filters” to make your selections.

When ready, click the “Send” button. Your messages will be sent to ONETEAM’s messaging queue for immediate delivery.

As an added free service, if any of your emails fail, The Blue Book will contact your subcontractor and/or supplier the next business day to correct the email and resend your message. We understand the bidding phase is time-sensitive so we will work with you to engage your invited subcontractors and suppliers as quickly as possible.

About 1-hour after sending your messages, you can review the “Message History” under the “Project Reports” tab for an updated status. You will also receive an email notification from ONETEAM the next business day with a messaging update.