Upload Project Files

To create your private, secure plan room, you have the option of using the standard folders and/or the custom folders.

The gray colored standard folders labeled Plans, Specifications, and Addendum comes with a free service to make your plan room more subcontractor friendly.

After you upload or drag and drop the files, ONETEAM’s plan room specialists will:

  • if needed, separate a single file of multiple drawings into individual files; separate the specification sections; and convert the files to PDF

  • if needed, label the drawings per the Architect’s and Consulting Engineers’ title blocks and label the specification sections by the appropriate divisions so your subs can quickly find their trade’s bidding information

  • optimize the file size so your subs can open and download the files faster

  • make the files keyword searchable to expedite your subs’ plan room visit

Upon uploading project files, your plan room is immediately activated and available for your invited subcontractors. However, completion of the plan room service can take up to 24-hours.

If you don’t want ONETEAM’s plan room service or if you need additional, unlimited folders that you want to personally label, you can use the white colored custom folders.

When using custom folders, you can upload a zipped file of labeled folders in the “Drop Zone”. Within minutes, your folders with files will be separated and activated. To create individual folders and add individual files, click the “Add Custom Folder” button. To update any folder with individual files, click on the folder’s name.

To reorganize or delete any folders and/or files, click on the action buttons to the right.

All of your private plan rooms will have a black colored folder labeled “Miscellaneous Project Documents”. That folder is not available or visible in your subcontractor’s view of the plan room – only your view. This folder maintains attached files and images for the project along with your subcontractors' submitted bid proposals.

Although your subcontractors will always have access to your plan room from their bid invitation’s private, secure portal – or workspace – you can email them files from your plan room – when needed – by clicking the “Message Files” button.

If you or your client require invited subcontractors to review and accept a Non-Disclosure Agreement before accessing your plan room, you can insert an NDA. You can use ONETEAM’s standard NDA or copy and paste your custom agreement.