Your Bid Communication and Collaboration Solution

As a General Contractor, you know the bidding phase of a project requires fast and effective communication and collaboration with subcontractors and suppliers. You need to secure complete bids from many trade categories in only 3-4 weeks to help you win the project and begin construction.

The Blue Book Network has been successfully connecting General Contractors with subcontractors and suppliers for over 100-years. We have done it with our industry leading regional print editions, national online directory, local “feet on the street” business development consultants, and for the last 20-years, our bid messaging and management software.

ONETEAM, our free bid management solution, will help you increase responses and improve engagement from your private subcontractors and – when needed – Blue Book Network members, which will produce more and better bids.

With over 800,000 qualified and experienced companies nationwide – subcontractors, suppliers, and manufacturers – The Blue Book is the only network you need to satisfy your project’s requirements.

Subcontractors are very busy bidding and working on a lot of projects that produce a lot of emails for them to review and respond to each day. To help General Contractors get better responses from their bid invitations, The Blue Book gathered feedback from subcontractors across the country. The overwhelming response was that the “Invitation to Bid” must get their attention and interest immediately and provide all the information needed to make a quick bidding decision.

Based on that feedback, ONETEAM enables you to personalize your bid invitation to engage your invited subcontractors with these key features:

  • Your company logo links to your free Premium Proview to introduce your company’s qualifications, experiences, and testimonials. This information will encourage more subcontractors to respond to you.

  • Include a photo, image, or architectural rendering of the project. This will get the subcontractor’s attention and direct their eyes to the project’s key information – the title, location, important dates and times, and the size.

  • A password free link to the subcontractor’s private portal – or workspace – where they can:
    • view and download plans, specifications, and addenda
    • communicate questions, concerns, and product proposals
    • submit their bid  

ONETEAM comes with your local, personal Blue Book Consultant. They can bring your specified subcontractors and suppliers to “Meet & Greets”, pre-bid meetings, and the jobsite.

You also have a personal ONETEAM product support specialist that can provide training and resolve technical issues for you and your team.

If you need our assistance, please call (855) 805-2560 or email us at